Why now is the perfect time to launch your business

Written By Lin Parkin

Starting your own business is a 24/7 commitment, but achieving your goals makes it all worthwhile. If you are not passionate about it… don’t do it!  The only way you are going to get past the long hours, financial struggles and doubt is if you care about your business completely.

You’ve been thinking about it for awhile. Haven’t you?

You have a solution to a problem that you know will help others. Or maybe you have an innovative product or service idea that matches an unmet need or improves current offerings in the market.

As most would-be entrepreneurs know, having a solution to a problem is the single most important component in starting a successful business.

You’ve got one. So why are you still only thinking about it?

Most people get hung up on the risk involved in starting up a business. But at some point, the risk is worth the potential gain. If you’re really passionate about your idea, you will eventually feel such a strong pull to put it into action that you are incapable of doing anything else.

So if your business idea has been bubbling on the back burner for some time now, here are five reasons to take that leap of faith now:

It’s easier than ever to obtain a small-business loan.

Gone are the days you had to prepare countless hours of paperwork or attend intimidating meetings with traditional lenders, only to be rejected. Small online lenders are a rapidly growing source for getting reasonable small business loans with less stress and faster approval. Look for honest alternative lenders and avoid those ‘get paid today’ types that prey on those in desperate situations.

Crowd-sourced funding is huge.

Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and many other crowdfunding sites are an appealing option for raising capital for your business. A well-marketed campaign can help you raise thousands of dollars in small donations – and you avoid going into debt. It’s not a handout, but rather a hand up. People donate simply because they believe in your idea and want to help you make it happen.


Being an entrepreneur is the new black.

We may live in a global economy. However, the initial fascination with purchasing products or services from businesses on the other side of the world is quickly fading. Consumers are increasingly becoming passionate about supporting the local community again. In recent studies, about 60 percent of consumers said they would pay more to buy from a local small business than from a large global corporation. That’s a pretty big incentive.

You’ll be happier.

Most people with an entrepreneurial mindset aren’t happy with the limitations set by working for someone else. Being self-employed gives you the opportunity to stretch your creative and strategic business sense without being held back by an employer.  You’ll have a greater sense of positive self-worth and, once your start-up takes off, you’re likely to be even
happier still.

There will never be a better time.

People say ‘eventually’ too often. Eventually, I’ll get married. Eventually, I’ll have kids. Eventually, I’ll do my will… these are all unpredictable life events that if you keep waiting, may pass you by. There is no perfect moment to do them. So, if you’re still working for someone else, and you know you have a good business idea, pursue it now. Find out if working for yourself will be as gratifying for you as it has been for so many other entrepreneurs.

The time is now. What are you waiting for?