Type B Personality, A+ Employee

Laid-back, reflective and patient, Type Bs might just be what your company needs to give it that competitive edge you’ve been looking for.

We all have that one friend. You know, the one with the 6 a.m. wakeup call, regimented work-ethic and affinity for kale. The friend with the ever-immaculate apartment and unwavering commitment to outdoor cardio, regardless of the weather. Fortunately, for those of us whose only marathon experiences have involved Netflix and Doritos, this story isn’t about the productivity power of our Type A peers. In fact, we’re here to discuss the benefits of a Type B personality, specifically in the work place.


Type B personalities are constantly criticized for being pedantic know-it-alls with an inability to focus on the task at hand. In reality, Type B personalities actively seek new ideas and perspectives, widening their view of the world. As a result, Type B individuals are known as “out of the box” thinkers who excel in finding connections and solving problems. For these reasons, Type Bs often hold creative positions in a variety of industries ranging from science to advertising.


Excessive eagerness and a keen desire to please are often attributed to Type B personality types. While those descriptors can be accurate, the negative connotation associated with them is frankly, unfair. Creative and passionate, Type B personalities often throw themselves into their roles, living and breathing their projects. But, unlike their Type A counterparts, Bs are usually calm, patient and realistic (we’ll get to that later). They easily transition into different roles and usually embody a flexible skillset. Type Bs are natural collaborators and great team players due to their easy-going nature and enthusiasm.


Excited, inquisitive and creative, Type Bs often feel a strong attachment to the work they produce and the ideas they generate.

As a result, many are criticized for their perceived arrogance. However, confidence is the real driving force behind Type B behaviour. Bs understand and respect the value they provide in their roles. They will not be taken advantage of or ignored. They make dynamic employees and powerful brand ambassadors.


Despite their confidence and intellect, Type B personalities are known for their self-deprecation and hypercriticism. One could argue that a person’s ability for introspection is directly proportionate to their success. It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of business, and to let your personal goals fall by the wayside. Type Bs are quick to catch on to this behaviour, identifying and re-evaluating their actions before they take over. As a result, Bs are known for their commitment to work-life balance and self-care. Looking inward is crucial for personal growth, which ultimately is key to continued success in business, family and life.


Rational and self-aware, Type Bs are apt in recognizing when it is time to walk away. Unlike Type As who are often described as obsessive and unwilling to let go, Bs are easily able to accept defeat if the situation warrants it. While some argue this can be described as weak will, many employers respect Bs for their strong, grounding realism. It takes strength to admit when you have failed, something that can be hard-pressed from a Type A personality.

In the end, Type B personalities are often more easily satisfied with life. While their Type A counterparts constantly seek potential new victories or enemies to vanquish, Bs stop to admire each of their accomplishments, no matter how small. They truly enjoy the process and appreciate each and every step along the way. Bs relaxed, creative temperament coupled with their heightened introspection, adaptability and reasoning skills make them excellent employees.