Technology has always been a double-edged sword in that it has both positive and negative ramifications. The same principle holds true for smartphones, and we have, in fact, discussed here on Venture Cover how smartphones can destroy our lives. There is this dreaded FOBO, where people start panicking when they are about to be shut off from the online grid. Human relationships are undermined, time is increasingly wasted, and social media is starting to rule our life.
But while smartphones can destroy lives ever so slowly, they can also help too. They can, for instance, help remove you from stressful situations. In this article we are going to offer a counter argument, and look at 7 reasons why you can use your smartphone to escape from the manacles of stress.
Mobile technology as CNN noted back in 2012, is “revolutionizing how we communicate,” and this technology, which is a key feature of smartphones, is helping us connect with people, whenever, wherever. Ultimately, smartphones connect you to the people you love and care about, and often, such connections are all you need to deal with a stressful situation. A FaceTime session with your special someone, for instance, can instantly brighten up your day.
“Me time” can mean a lot of things for a lot of people, but for many, it’s about using their smartphones and shutting off from the world. The great thing about smartphones is that you can shut off in multiple ways depending on your preference. If you are a bookworm you can catch up on the latest novel, or you can play a game for five minutes to refocus your mind. A little of bit of me time in a stressful situation can have a positive effect, and a smartphone is very useful in this case.
Admit it, you’ve taken snapshots of memorable moments using your smartphone, and you’ve browsed those images from time to time. Pictures of unforgettable events often make people feel good, and feeling good is a healthy distraction away from stressful situations.
Sometimes, a situation becomes stressful simply because we don’t know what to do. But with a wealth of information just a touch away from your smartphone, you can learn quite a lot, and even find some sort of guidance on anything and everything. Having a smartphone on your person means that you are better prepared to face any stressful situation.
John Rampton correctly points out that technology lets you automate as an entrepreneur, and this ability helps relieve some of the pressures of life and work. Simply, you can pretty much do anything using your smartphone, and it can, in turn, do a lot of work for you.
For many of us, a dose of pop culture can help us escape, especially if we need to escape from thoughts of work. The most popular part of pop culture is currently the superhero genre. The Atlantic call modern superhero films the best form of escapism, citing comic films like Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy. Smartphones allow us to escape into the world of superheroes and this popularity has spread to multiple entertainment platforms. Slingo has a line-up of mobile-friendly superhero games, including Hellboy and Black Widow that are inspired by popular superhero characters. These games show how far the genre has reached, and how different audiences like to interact with their favourite heroes to escape. Especially if the can escape for a few minutes on their smartphone.
Aside from watching films and playing games, people also find some joy and comfort with the various apps available on their smartphones, whether it is a photo editing app or apps that let you create a short music video. Sure, using such apps can be a waste of time, but they can also help remove people from stressful situations.
The key thing here, of course, is moderation. Your smartphone can be very helpful, just as long as you do not let it rule over you and your life.