5 Ways To Switch It Up Ladies

Just like we alter our clothes for the perfect fit to our bodies, we also alter our choices according to the appropriate season.

Nowadays, erratic climate and lifestyle changes mean our selections aren’t always so cut and dry. I’m referring to that awkward period between March and April when it’s snowing one day, and twenty degrees and sunny the next. But wardrobe transitioning need not be challenging if you follow these simple steps:


Alternate: Switch-up your closet semi annually. Yes, that’s right two times a year! Sounds like work but I promise you, it’s worth the time. Just before spring arrives, go through your wardrobe and display your lighter clothing. Don’t forget to leave out some heavier jumpers and outerwear items until the weather permits you to store them.



Stay Organized: As fall approaches, rinse and repeat. You will see how a simple adjustment like this can make dressing a whole lot easier. It also gives you a reason to take inventory of what you have, such as what you may need to add to your wardrobe, and what to donate.



Choose Versatility: In the in-between times, make sure you have a solid base selection of items that you can add or remove according to different weather conditions. Jackets, gilets, sweaters, vests, ponchos, jumpers, scarves etc.


Layering: Play with the right way with versatile pieces! Guys, add a cardigan over your dress shirt and tie, and top with your suit jacket. Ladies, put a baggy wool sweater over the blouse that you’ve paired with a silk skirt.



Be creative: Times have changed and there are no-limits when it comes to dressing, so be as daring as you like, within good taste. Just remember this rule: good quality clothing that is conveniently adaptable and worn in a variety of ways can be both functional and stylish at the same time.


Written By Stephanie Schneider